I Got Life!

I’ve been trying to put my experience at Harbin Hot Springs into perspective since I returned on Sunday.  I feel like I went on a magical, mystery tour of discovery and the tour was all about me and who I am.  I’ve lived on this planet for 57 years but I’ve never felt my heart open like it is now.  I’ve never felt my body like it feels now.  I’ve never felt my spine move like it did in Richard’s Healing Boron Waters.  I’ve never felt such love and acceptance for who I am right now, in this moment.  There were no expectations about who or what I should be.  They just loved me for me!  It’s amazing that that can happen and it’s an amazing feeling to let yourself trust and receive.

After my first Watsu, I told Richard that “I feel like I can let my muscles relax but there’s something else that I can’t let go of”.  He smiled and just continued loving me.  After 5 Water Immersions with Richard and one with Yonti, I learned that I’m capable of sensing on a deeper level than I ever imagined, that I can connect with people in very loving and healing ways, and that I had let go of my inability to let go.  I’m not even sure where that restriction was.  In my psyche somewhere.  It said “Thomas, you have to be strong, a man, you can’t show your feelings, you can’t let someone else see you in your pain, you must contain all the bad and only show people what you think they should see”.  In my last session, I let go of all that.  My spine, hips and body were freely moving through the waters.  I sobbed in deep grief just because I had it and didn’t even need to know where it came from.  And the tears rolled down my face, knowing how much love Richard and Yonti had shared with me and that I’d let into my system.  Finally!  After 57 years!

As I was leaving Avalon for the last time, I heard a song that sums up my experience pretty well.  It’s called “I got life!” and it’s from the musical Hair.  After you watch it on YouTube, read the lyrics below and be glad that you too – have life!  I am!

I got life, mother
I got laughs, sister
I got freedom, brother
I got good times, man

I got crazy ways, daughter
I got million-dollar charm, cousin
I got headaches and toothaches
And bad times too
Like you

I got my hair
I got my head
I got my brains
I got my ears
I got my eyes
I got my nose
I got my mouth
I got my teeth
I got my tongue
I got my chin
I got my neck
I got my tits
I got my heart
I got my soul
I got my back
I got my ass
I got my arms
I got my hands
I got my fingers
Got my legs
I got my feet
I got my toes
I got my liver
Got my blood

I got my guts (I got my guts)
I got my muscles (muscles)
I got life (life)
Life (life)
Life (life)